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The CSR of CALVARY POINT ASSEMBLY INT’S “CPAI Global Change Foundation” is an IDEOLOGY concieved by the CPAI Central Working Committee as a Foundation set aside for charitable works which encompasses all the social programmes aimed at transforming the lives of the vulnerable, socially excluded and the less-privileged in society to give them hope for the future

Its operations are in conformity with a threefold vision of which is stated below:


1. Bringing people into God’s presence through prayer, praise, worship and learning.

2. Preaching messages of hope that are relevant to the needs of the people.

3. Bringing comfort to people and providing them with a place and an atmosphere of love, care, sharing and fellowship.

The mission statement of the CPAI Global Change Foundation is “Touching our generation with the Power & Knowledge of God” and Since its inception,

CALVARY POINT ASSEMBLY INT’L has undertaken several social interventions that have transformed many lives, families and communities. we call These interventions “7 Pillars of Change” and they are AS FOLLOWS:

1. Empowerment Foundation (For all empowerment activities for Women, Youths and Less Priviledged via ICT inclussion and other vocational skills acuisition projects)

2. Community Outreach Projects – COOP (For engagement in communal activities such as sports, entertainment, environmental & health activities etc)

3. Project ADAPT (For businesses and individuals who want to learn innovative business processes using the ADAPT methology: Awareness – Desire – Ability – Priority – Technique)

4. School of Restoration (For Re-habilitation of Commercial Sex workers, Ex-convicts, Street Gangs etc.)

5. Scholarship Foundation (For brilliant students and orphans who can not afford their tuition)

6. Make A Stand Against Hunger – MASAH Project (Aimed at Feeding the hungry within our imediate society making sure that the pains of hunegr is lessened and consequtively diminished)

7. Health For All – H4A Foundation. (This project is aimed at brininging health awareness and solutions to the needy, aged and sick ones in the community.)