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Car Park Urshers

Car Park Urshers

Who we are

The Car Park Ushers are there to ensure members and visitors are not subjected to tiresome gridlocks. They ensure free flow of human and vehicular traffic to and from the church’s various car parks and are responsible for crowd control during major events and all church services.

At CPAI, Our role as  Parking Lot Ushers is to make people feel welcomed and assist Pastors and teachers with people management. We assist with parking cars efficiently, assisting people into the building, and maintaining a safe environment.


Our Major GOAL…


The parking lot is kept safe and secure. Everybody that attends a Sunday service or special event is warmly greeted and made welcome from the moment they arrive.



Submit to the vision and direction of CPAI

Be easily recognizable by wearing usher uniform when serving

Go the extra mile: be enthusiastic to greet everybody as they arrive, introduce yourself to people you do not know, offer to help carry things and assist people into the building

Follow all car parking procedures at your stationed Church

Constantly monitor parking lots and building perimeters

Be attentive to all vehicles in the lot and communicate any potential issues to vehicle owners (low tires, out of date tags and inspection, burnt out lights, etc.)

After the service has started, usher people into Sunday celebration during songs and other parts of the service with minimal distraction

Create an environment of security, from the street to the seat



Is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, a consistent and generous giver in works and in kind to CPAI

Actively involved and supports the vision and direction of the church, participating in church events, special events, ministry opportunities, missions, and moving self and others to discipleship and growth

Must have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

Must complete a criminal record check and child abuse clearance



Usher Coordinator