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School of Restoration (For Re-habilitation of Commercial Sex workers, Ex-convicts, Street Gangs etc.)


Owing to the increase in societal violence as seen in the fights amongst gangs, hoodlums and area boys the CPAI Global Change Foundation Adopted the School Of Restoration – SORE Mandate which highlights the importance of supporting measures to contribute towards the rehabilitation, re-orientation and social reintegration of Commercial Sex Workers, Ex-convicts, Street Gangs etc. into the community.


SORE mode of intervention is Rehabilitation, Education and Empowerment, which is broken down into 5 stages over 12 – 18 months, encompassing counseling, therapy, social & educational enrichment, vocational job training and job placement assistance towards economic self-sufficiency.

Our sustainable success requires the collaborative efforts of all,  and we seek support through cash or in-kind donation,  recruitment of volunteers/mentors and corporate partnerships.


… Our operations are guided in conformity with our vision and mission and in pursuit of the UNDP-SDGs global goals on education …


Find the links below.. 

UNDP Sustainable Development Goals

Its operations are in conformity with a threefold vision of which is stated below:


1. Bringing people into God’s presence through prayer, praise, worship and learning.

2. Preaching messages of hope that are relevant to the needs of the people.

3. Bringing comfort to people and providing them with a place and an atmosphere of love, care, sharing and fellowship.

The SORE Mandate seeks to carry out supports programs for these individuals as well as help in family mediation (Recconecting them back to their loved ones) which we believe is essential to ensuring successful outcome.


The SORE team intends to complete thousands of mediations as well as contribute to thousands of reintegration success stories throughout Nigeria. Our Goal is to see participants who participated in the SORE Project, successfully reintegrated into their families and society and return to be an example of hope and dignity to the current participants.